On a warm June day in 1923, Clarissa Dalloway walks down Bond Street to buy flowers for her upcoming evening party. The chimes of Big Ben accompany her day, her reunion with childhood friend Peter Walsh, the insane appearance of the war returnee Septimus Warren Smith and the lunch at Lady Millicent Bruton's. Through the juxtaposition of the inner and the outer Mrs. Dalloway reveals the world in its simultaneity, in its becoming and passing. The different moods and tones of this masterpiece of literature find their powerful artistic expression in 135 pictures by 26 young designers.
With illustrations by students of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, printed linen,
thread stitching, printed endpapers, ribbon marker, 328 pages, book design by the
students of Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle
32,00 €
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Rund ums Buch
Virginia Woolf (1882–1941) gründete 1917 zusammen mit ihrem Mann, dem Kritiker Leonard Woolf, den Verlag The Hogarth Press. Ihre Romane stellen sie als Schriftstellerin neben James Joyce und Marcel Proust. Zugleich war sie eine der lebendigsten Essayistinnen ihrer Zeit und hinterließ ein umfangreiches Tagebuch- und Briefwerk. Virginia Woolf nahm sich am 28. März 1941 das Leben.
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